ReVamp! and Updates!!


Oh....Hey there! How's things with you malovely?? Things are alright my end. Just a lot of organising of my social mediums. I have revamped both of my channels' backgrounds (links here and here) and sort of created a better tag for my videos just for people to get what I do. I have also revamped my tumblr, and as you can see at the moment, my blog. Something a bit more colourful, exciting and fresh.

So as Christmas draws closer, along with the year, I have become a lot more passionate and determined to make my online presence known. I have worked my butt off to get things in some sort of order in the hopes that people can come and join me on my life's journey. Through my awkwardisims, and silliness, building a community for more people like me to have a good time (maybe at my expense with my experiences) but it's all in good jest.... HA! Jest...Get it?? my channels?? anyway. I like that reference. IT IS MINE...mwahah

Anyway, let's get off that crazy train before I go down more tangents until it is a paradox of tangents...I think I just went there. God Dammit.

So with the update of my interweb things, I have decided on the set schedule of gaming vids monday and friday and an awkward vlog on Tuesdays every week on my Jest Tracy channel (jest in style) I will make another day for beauty and style vids when I figure out what day that will be.

In some other news....I GOT MY CAMERA!!!!  My Canon 600D has arrived and I love it. I call him Winston. It was a tie between Winston and Mordecai, but I thought he looks like Winston. So I have been testing him out with the transition of my bedroom redecoration. (Work In Progress) But I thought I'd show you what items make up my room!.

In true Super Mario style... A-HERE-WE-GO!

Miniature Book.. Keep your 'awe' in check ladies. 
 So that took me an abnormally long time to edit the photos and something weird happened in between.. oh well. CBF, right?! .. right. So I am going to go watch some YouTubes and see what's a go! If you're bored, here's my new Vlog about reasons I explain. haha cryptic. anyway, Enjoy!!

Hugs, Kisses and 
Stay Classy Interwebs!

Tracy xo

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