Gumdrops and Welcomes!!


Yes I am wearing pants..what a hello!
Why hello there!! I have been planning this for a while and now I am finally doing it! WELCOME TO MY BLOG!! Seeing as I am quite internet crazy, with accounts with almost every social media (except for vine, fuck screw that), I thought that a blog would be the best/most creative way to express whatever I would like to post.

From the dedicated pages of: fashion and clothing (Style); Make-Up and Skin care (Artistry); Design/Decor to whatever I create (Whimsy) and lastly, my Life. Where I post anything and everything I wish to share. May it be from health and fitness to binge eating (naughty...mwahaha) or even issues I am going through.

Gaming is also a huge part of my life, along with youtube. Even though I don't have a lot of subscribers, I game and upload for myself. To improve my abilities and knowledge with the interweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebs.

If you are interested in a girl playing games..... not just any games.....but HORROR games then you can check out my channel Or like this blog, and into the more girlie side of things with fashion and makeup, my other channel is

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy my blog and I look forward to getting involved with the blogging community.

Hugs & Kisses,

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