Thrift/Op Shop Haul


So well since my last post I kinda was everywhere... (Sorry about that image)...(not sorry) I have a sneaky suspicion it might be the combination of scents at my work place. I work in a retail store with a lot of incense and dyed clothing. But enough about that and onto the post I have been meaning to create for a long time.

Drum roll please...*drumrolldrumrolldrumrolldrumrolldrumrolldrumrolldrumrolldrumrolldrumrolldrumroll*

OP SHOP HAUL!!!! (or if you're American)..THRIFT SHOP HAUL!

I also got some sale items from my favourite stationary store, Typo. Which is AMAZING! I love that store (I just jizzed my pants)

Let's start with the Op Shop stuffs.

Breakfast Tray $4.00
When I saw this I was a little like 'meh' but then I thought, HEY! I can make this into a little DIY project. At the moment I have done some renovations to this, it's not finished yet. But I will do a post on that later on.

Big Daddy Figurine from 'Bioshock' Game $2.00
Now, can we just take a minute to just bask in the fabulousness of this. (Basking intermission here). Now if you know me or follow my youtube channels, you know I love video games. And this game here, Bioshock, is amazing! So it was about time that I got something in my room that reflected that. This was also pretty heavy for a small figure. (Still f**king amazing).

And now for the TYPO sale stuff. 
One of my weird obsessions. The paperbag.
It's too cute 

My love of the internet is too strong to not have an @ sign
(fill a bag for $5)

I also got a mirrored t and a canvas R for my initials
(fill a bag for $5)

Adorable stamp. Now I need to get a ink pad.

Apron and Mit set $4
You may have seen me wear this apron in my DRUNK GINGERBREAD HOUSE CHALLENGE video. I absolutely love the bone hand oven mitten. My love for anatomy is too strong.

So that's all I got this shopping trip and I thought it went really well. I hope you enjoyed. Typo has a website so if you want you can go over and check it out. HERE.

Also If you haven't seen my new Jest Tracy video about 5 People to AVOID at a Party then here you go :)

So until next time...
Hugs, Kisses and
Stay Classy Interwebs!

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